LMS Content Creation

Delivering industry-leading professional education through expertly designed, quality content.

Award-winning learning management software is only a part of our association solutions.

Our content creation services help you develop quality continuing education content and design, efficiently. Our team’s skills and experience paired with our access to and deep knowledge of learning technology make us your optimal online course development partner.

With Momentive Software LMS Content Creation Services, you will enjoy:


An award-winning team


An array of SCORM compliant formats


Content development interoperability


An industry focus


Cost and risk control


Flawless design practice

Course Design Options

We can be involved as little or as much as you need.

Content Conversion

This basic option takes your existing PowerPoint (PPT) slides (which also may include images, charts, and short video segments) and converts them into a Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) published course. The result is content that users can easily navigate, track and bookmark progress through, and mark as completed.

Course Build (Streamlined)

The Crowd Wisdom team reviews a storyboard draft provided by your subject matter expert (SME), making content, presentation, and copyediting recommendations. The resulting SCORM course design includes simple interactions, such as drag-and-drop exercises and matching questions. It also includes about 45 minutes of audio recorded by Crowd Wisdom voice talent or your SME.

Course Build (Extensive)

With this advanced option, the Crowd Wisdom team provides a comprehensive course build. The team works with your SME to develop SCORM compliant course content (agnostic to the authoring tool used), including a storyboard, design options, and a prototype course. The final design includes high interactivity, audio, and optional video.

Our commitment to you.

Crowd Wisdom Content Creation Services include additional options to meet your specific needs for each content design project. But no matter what options you choose, you always receive:

Reusable templates, with prototypes to test concepts


Courses developed in iterations


SCORM compliant raw and produced files


Mobile-optimized content that functions well on all major browsers and platforms

Online learning trends for associations.

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4 Ways to become the best continuing education resource in your Industry

Here are some tips and tricks to take your online learning program to the next level.


Setting the pricing strategy for your association’s educational products

How you price your content can make a big impact on your educational program’s success.


Delivering quality learning content

Increase member value by providing them with an array of learning opportunities in a variety of formats.
