5 benefits of video-based learning.

Video-based learning is a widely-accepted e-learning trend, and it’s gaining momentum. What makes it trendy now and soon a staple of learning is it’s shorter, crispier and engaging nature, changing the way your association members learn.

Understandably, video grabs hold your learners’ attention in a manner other medium cannot, and it’s easily delivered through a learning management system (LMS). And, as videos are now essential for today’s generation of professional learners, there’s a significant demand for video-based learning among associations and constituent-based organizations.

So, is it time to expand your traditional e-learning program with feature-rich video? It seems so.

How fast is video-based learning taking hold?
The primary reason people learn well via video is because the human brain processes videos 60,000 times faster than it does text, according to a Psychology Today article “Video vs. Text: The Brain Perspective.” This realization has analysts and e-learning pundits predicting video-based learning will significantly grow. Consider:

  • According to elearningindustry.com, a learner is likely to remember only 10% of textual content, 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content. Hence, this mode of learning effectively enhances self-learning and engages learners’ attention throughout courses.
  • By 2019, video will be responsible for 80% of the internet traffic around the world, according to data published by International Data Corporation (IDC).
  • Chief Learning Officer magazine also reports 98% of organizations plan to implement video as part of their digital learning strategy by 2020.

The Association’s Guide To Creating High-Quality Content

Blend multiple formats of content into a single offering. In this guide, you’ll learn the key components of a quality learning content strategy, tips for developing learning content and how to build the content your learners need – even with limited resources.

Video is no longer optional.
Video-based learning is quickly becoming a basic training need. Simply put, your members prefer watching a video over reading documents, emails or online articles. The reasons for opting into video-based learning include:

  • Video is more persuasive compared to other content types.
  • Video addresses different learning styles of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.
  • The increased usage of smartphones provides on-the-go training.
  • Video supports on-demand, bite-sized microlearning, teaching at the moment of need.
  • Video is a cost-effective solution as part of professional education and training.

Benefits of video-based learning.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video may be worth a million or more. Here are some benefits of video-based learning:

1. Adds life to the e-learning course by making it effective and engaging.
2. Increases learner engagement and participation.
3. Reduces cognitive overload and maximizes retention.
4. Provides a simpler and practical learning experience.
5. Is a cost-effective training approach.

Webinar: 12 Proven Strategies to Monetize Content

In addition to solving all the technical and cultural challenges of a learning program, unexpected knowledge gaps are mandatory to address within your monetization strategy.

BONUS: Create engaging video-based learning content.
Here are some tips your association can use to create and offer engaging video-based learning content for your members.

State clear objectives. Set clear goals to produce and provide effectively-designed videos, with a focus on meeting your learners’ goals.

Keep them short. If you have a lengthy training module, break it up into bite-sized nuggets which range from one to two minutes.

Include voice-over. When learners are left by themselves, the text or visuals in a professional development video need to be supported by audio.

Incorporate captions. Studies show captions increase the completion rate of video from 40% to 80%.

Record your screen. A simulation or recording proves to be more helpful, and it makes learning more enjoyable and memorable.

With these tips, you’re empowered to offer the most enriching and engaging videos to your members and learners, and give them an unforgettable learning experience. To learn more about how an LMS can help you drive revenue with video learning and boost your association’s member engagement, check out this on-demand webinar.

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