Use your association job board to drive membership and increase revenue

We all know that job opportunities rank as one of the top benefits an association can offer its members. In fact, with a growing Millennial workforce, the importance of offering opportunities for career growth and advancement will only increase. While it’s imperative that your career center evolves to maximize engagement (and revenue), it’s not always easy. Of course, there are practical ways to increase member engagement with your career center. For example, including a jobs widget and/or articles about the benefits of the career center in newsletters or leveraging social media with something as simple as automatic tweets of jobs. But, there’s also something to be said for a little ingenuity.

Eighty percent of Millennials are interested in relevant job opportunities based on their current certifications. What if you could provide a matching tool between your learning management system (LMS) and career center to give personalized job recommendations? This is possible through an integration, as is showcasing your members’ learning credentials on their job seeker profile to help them stand out to recruiters, and much more.

80% of Millennials are interested in relevant job opportunities based on their current certifications.

Integrating your career center with your LMS not only gives you an additional opportunity to capture new learners, it also increases course enrollments, certification revenue, and new member acquisition. Which begs the question: What is your job board doing to engage and recruit nonmembers who visit your site?

Your job board should be optimized to ensure your association has both visibility and recruitment access to non-members using the job board to drive membership and increase revenue. One way this can be achieved is through an integration with your association management system (AMS). Imagine a scenario in which the contact information of non-members who visit your career center and sign up as job seekers is captured, leads are automatically sent to your AMS, enabling you to market your membership to these job seekers and convert them to new members. With the right technology partner, you don’t have to imagine.

Your job board should be optimized to ensure your association has both visibility and recruitment access to non-members

In fact, when it comes to member acquisition, a market-leading tech partner could go even further, using prime real estate on the job board’s registration page to promote membership through intelligently placed calls-to-action encouraging site visitors to join the association, which link directly back to the association member benefits page. In this way, the job board not only functions as a valuable member benefit to all generations in search of relevant job postings, it also increases the opportunity for revenue. This type of strategic promotion also helps prospective members keep your association top-of-mind as they search for career opportunities, while serving the dual purpose of reinforcing your brand.

For more tips on how your association can drive revenue, watch the YourMembership and Momentive Software webinar: Top Ways to Skyrocket Revenue in 2019 and Beyond.

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